Monday, January 31, 2011

Gentlemen, there is something you need to know.

To those of you who could be considered remotely attractive, I am embarrassed to admit that there are women among my sex that lose all capability of rational thought when they are as fortunate as to come in contact with you. (If you would be considered unattractive, breathe easy, my friend. This is not directed at you.) These flushing females have been known to suddenly take a turn for the worse in a specific class, embarrass themselves with an obnoxiously new-found laugh, scorn other ladies around them at the hand of jealous anxiety, and/or strive to appear more intellectual than is actually the case. It is a sad existence, this enamored state-of-being. Don't let yourselves be deceived!

Just tell her to cut it out so she stops distracting everyone in class, ok?

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