Thursday, September 30, 2010

It is quite possible that I have fallen in love with this song.
Engagement pictures and a ring to follow shortly.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Things will get calmer- follow me.

North by North - Faded Paper Figures

Friday, September 24, 2010

Guy and a guitar

There is currently a man with a guitar in the terrace. I would tell you that he is playing it, but then I would be lying. No, my friend, in reality he is strumming the guitar without chords. He has been doing so for 20 minutes, and I'm really not sure what this world is coming to.

HEY PLE- JUST PLEASE STOP aw come on man please?

Little Fragile Moon

I think one of the biggest conundrums we face while learning to be human is to live with the reality that we will never be able to know everything, and then to continue trying to learn everything we possibly can.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

| | | | | | |

I'm in the middle of one of my spastic need-to-finish-composing ruts,
without open access to a piano.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Drumroll please....

I got my answer!

I'm going on a mission!

Next December, anyways. Ideally I'll leave in the middle of December so I could get back in the middle of June and start right into Summer term, but whatever happens will be perfect, I'm sure. I've been trying to figure out whether it was what I needed to do for a little while now, and everything kind of came together this morning.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I love these trees

Incredible things are happening in the world.
Magical things are happening in this world.

Friday, September 17, 2010

People in my life make me wonder how I got lucky enough to know them. And now that I know them, how did I get lucky enough for them to love me?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September girls

I haven't quite decided if September or October is my favorite month of the year. In any event, I'm anticipating the fall and the winter, believe it or not! It used to be that I dreaded winter because, to be honest, it's plain ugly in the South. There is never any snow, but the humidity allows the chill to bite and everything turns gray forever.

In Utah...
I wake up to this every morning.

It helps that the dryness takes the sting out of the cold.
Also, most of my attractive clothes are long sleeved. Here we go!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Today's just been a downer of a day, you know?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

This little heart of mine

There are so many moments when I am overcome with how GOOD life can be. Just sitting in class laughing at a joke a professor slides in is enough to make my heart want to burst sometimes. All at once I get so anxious and content all at the same time. I am so ridiculously happy in that moment but at the same time I want to drink everything in that is on it's way all at once: Christmas, lunch with a friend, a day off, inspiring lectures, a good movie, finding a new music obsession, a mission, my wedding day, growing old and sitting on a porch somewhere, the next meaningful kiss, being a teacher, traveling, getting a pet, babysitting, quiet moments while the snow falls, basking in the sun when summer comes back. I just feel like there is so much to offer along every step of the road. I want it all, but at the same time I want every second to slow down to let me enjoy it while it's here.

I've never longed to go back to any moment in the past. I truly haven't. I guess I've never seen the sense in back-tracking when what's ahead promises to be so beautiful. Even when everything seemed dark, I never wanted to go back because it meant the dark times would only be ahead of me again. Once the dark times are over, they're really over and it's on to the next beautiful moment.

Do yourself a favor for me: Go listen to Carla Bruni. Drink a super huge glass of chocolate milk. Look at some pictures from elementary school. Hold hands with someone. Wear red lipstick or spike your hair up as weird as possible and then set up Skype and talk to someone you haven't seen in awhile.
Let me know how it goes.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Teaching is so much more than just talking about stuff, and history is so much more than the study of dead guys.

One day I'll prove it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I'm a fan of this article.
The comments at the bottom are somewhat comical as well. 

One person said, "…. they are so intelligent and bright yet all think we Americans should go to this “great” form of socialist communist system? How can these great thinkers fail to see that it’s always failed, everytime it’s tried, communism socialism has never worked. Why? Why do they fail to see that?"
My question is....define "fail". It's interesting to me that everyone is convinced that our system of government is a success, when truly there's no such thing. Governments have to continually change and adapt in order to CONTINUE succeeding, and even then no system has ever sustained itself indefinitely. Just because our fall hasn't come yet doesn't mean it won't happen. Sorry loves, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. And that doesn't mean that the world will end! One system disintegrates and another is formed. It's happened over and over again through history. 

Or were you sleeping through that class in high school?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Let me come home

I love this place.

Tu ne sais pas ce que l'on dit de toi. Tu t'en fous surtout.

After years of being stolen and broken on a consistent basis, sometimes a heart forgets how to stay together. Kind of like people who can’t stay in a place for too long, or people who can’t leave one. We’re all so scared that things might change because even if we have trouble handling what we’re going through, at least we’re handling it.