Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Time for a list

1. Linguistics is hard. And seemingly unnecessary to me although at times it is cool.
I am learning things like this:


2. I seem to have a somewhat terrifying ability to see through people and I don't always like it. Whether they've been divorced or not, whether or not they want to be, what their intentions of the moment are, whether or not they're bluffing, whether or not they're pretending. The thing about it sometimes it takes awhile to figure out if I saw things correctly. A scary amount have been proving themselves recently. Sometimes it would be easier to be fooled.

3. JalapeƱo Yogurt Dip. One of my roommates bought some, another roommate Gibbonsed me into trying it. And it was dang good! This surprise reaction has led me to not be so cautious next time I am coaxed and also to make some from scratch since I have no Costco card. (I know, sad sad day.)

4. Tyler Heath. I keep coming back to his album (Let It Go) to run to in the mornings and so far I haven't found a parallel. That album is wonderful.

5. I am probably going to be cutting my hair again soon. I'm slightly hesitant because it's taken me so long to grow my bangs completely out, but I also think I'm starting to look a little boring/odd since I have a slightly-larger-than-average forehead. Also, I haven't done anything new with my hair since August. It's time for a change methinks. I'm leaving the length, just getting bangs. Something like this:

That's all for now.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Be true to the ones who love you

Odds are you don't deserve it! Just pray they never figure that out.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Not to share love, but to barter for it."

"The balance sheet continued to change for me and my girlfriends as we emerged from childhood into womanhood. Our increasingly voluptuous bodies were reliable tools of status and control. The power was heady, but confusing, because wielding it always left us feeling empty and weak. And it was treacherous, because its force attracted not only the male peers we were aiming for, but also troubled stepfathers and leering strangers. But by the time we realized the perils, we'd grown dependent on this means of power. Of course it didn't yield true power, because it didn't originate within ourselves: it originated within the perceptions of the boys and men we hoped to entice. Yet in our economy of success, sexual attraction was the only currency we thought we held. And counterfeit money was better than nothing." -Kathryn Soper

Sometimes it's really nice to find someone who understands adolescence better than the adolescents. It's also important to keep teenage hormonal designs on power at an understandable minimum. Sorry, Cambridge.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I like running towards the sun in the mornings because the shadow is always behind instead of ahead. I am perpetually running from darkness

and towards light.

Monday, June 13, 2011

One Year

In a lot of ways it really doesn't feel like we've been together for a whole year. In a lot of ways it feels like it's been a lot longer than that.

What is there to say after three finals weeks, twelve times-of-the-month, a couple of sicknesses, eleven term papers, too many breakdowns and one stubborn, selfish personality? Thanks for loving me, my dear. Thank you so so much. I pity every girl who isn't me.

Cheers to us, love. Cheers to us.

And now, a year in pictures!
In May, we existed through Skype. I don't miss it.
In June, we started dating and Austin flew to NC
In July, I was in Mexico. Skype again...
In August, I was still in Mexico and Austin got glasses
In September, we drove the Alpine Loop
In October, we went to Communal for the first time
In November, we went to a homecoming dance
In December, Austin shaved the beard
In January, we went to see the ice castles and Austin cut his hair
In February, Austin made an amazing Valentine's day dinner
In March, we went to church
In April, Amanda came to visit and met Austin for the first time
In May, we went to Moab (and Austin got his mission call)
In June, we went to my first concert ever and celebrated our one year!
In August, Austin will be leaving to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The thought of not having him by my side for two years breaks my heart, but I'm excited for both of us learn and grow separately for awhile. I'm looking forward to having letters to save and cherish for the rest of my life. I can't wait to hear about all of the experiences he has, and to write back pushing him forward if he feels like it's too hard. It's been a beautiful year. And the years don't stop here.

Love you, Austin. Happy 1 year.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Alyssa and Zach!


I REALLY shouldn't be this excited but I definitely am. I love it when awesome people plan on making awesome tiny people. And when in the future I can visit them in the same little place. All happy and stuff.

AH everything in the world is happy.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


To everything. Everyone. Sorry, guys.
An arsonist burned a house in the suburbs to the ground. The man living inside escaped in time alive, only to suffer severe burns from dodging the caving walls. Police escorted the arsonist to court, where he eventually was sentenced to jail in which he was scolded, fed, and counseled over the next few years on how to become a better citizen.

But no one treated the burn victim.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


“Between 1959 and the present, the United States has attempted a dizzying array of tactics and methods in its attempt to control, and then to undermine, overthrow, or destroy the Cuban revolutionary experiment. Many of them were covert. The ministry of the Interior Museum in Havana offers a testament to the many attempts at sabotage and assassination carried out by U.S. agents. The U.S. public knew little about these until 1975 Senate Hearings where CIA and other officials testified to their involvement in assassination attempts against Fidel Castro. Despite the publicity at the time, this history remains relatively unknown in the United States, although it is common knowledge in Cuba.” -Aviva Chomsky

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Slumping jump

Tonight, I made this:

and this:
Which translate to "baked tilapia" and "golden-crusted brussels sprouts".

Best part...THEY WERE DANG GOOD! And provided a meal for two for under $5. Thank you, thank you. I am quite proud if I do say so myself. I've been in one of those not-eating slumps for the past few days so I decided to break that pattern the best way possible rather than going crazy with the ice cream and french fries. However, I may or may not have some of the best ice cream in the world now waiting for us in the freezer.
Ok YES I got mint. I did. It's there. Yeesh.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Do whatever you want. Take whatever you can get.
Pay no mind to those in your path: we all fall eventually anyways.
