Sunday, November 28, 2010


I'm finishing up my term paper for History of Argentina. Austin's on his computer working on genealogy. Kevin's on the phone with someone in the room to the right, Alex is listening to something with a banjo in the room to the left, but it's not loud enough for me to tell exactly who. A Bundaberg root beer on my immediate left, a stack of books on Argentina between 1800 and 1880 on my immediate right.
I don't mind that my life isn't exciting all of the time. I'm happy.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Oh hey just givin' thanks here

I love my family. And my extended family. And breaks from school. And sweaters. And game nights. And italian soda. And sleeping in. And birthdays. And hot bread. And Pixar. And my roommates. And when Austin plays air guitar on my leg. And new books. And grilled cheese. And fall weddings. And my job. And my life.

Just sayin'. 

Friday, November 26, 2010

There are times when the poets and porn stars align, and you won't know who to believe in. Well, that's a good time to be leavin.

Isn't it time you got over how fragile you are?
Anna Nalick

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tengo veinte años.

And on this day, I have continued breathing for twenty years.

Pretty impressive with all the smog and whatnot, yeah?

Monday, November 22, 2010

From Tennessee

Just to remind you all of what's really important in life.

Also, this

and this

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cute Is What We Aim For

Somehow when I go back and listen to music I used to listen to all the time, I both a) realize what poor taste I had in music and b) really enjoy the nostalgia.

Can you be nostalgic for nonsense?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

For Schweikart and Allen

"Realising that our own ways are not humanly inevitable nor God-ordained, but are the fruit of a long and turbulent history, we may well examine in turn all of our institutions, thrown into strong relief against the history of other civilisations, and weighing them in the balance, be not afraid to find them wanting." -Margaret Mead

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Opus 18

My life is brimming with the Cuban Revolution and our country's time in Vietnam. Fried rice in the afternoon and hot chocolate into the evening. I wear a scarf most days these days, and gravitate towards anything black paired with tan suede shoes. I'm a big fan of the snow on them there mountains, and I really wish you wouldn't rake the leaves in your yard. Sometimes I have conversations with my roommate about Rachel Ray, wedding dresses or history professors when I should be working on a paper, and every night I have the privilege of being held by a really stellar guy from Cincinnati. Every morning I miss my family, and every afternoon I question my fondness of the spanish language, mostly due to my proficiency. I like cleaning my room. Sometimes I forget to eat lunch or to put in earrings. Sometimes I would rather read a wedding blog than read for U.S. history. Sometimes I wish I could play piano for days on end and speak Italian. Sometimes I still want to run into someone who doesn't know what a Mormon is. I'm pretty much always at ease.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

I still love the internet

Dear The Baha Men,
We let the dogs out. I'm surprised you didn't hear.
Sincerely, PETA

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Someone explain this to me.

In love

I'm pretty cliche these days, so it seems.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Every time I do research between the bookshelves I always resolve to spend less time online. There is so much on these shelves that I don't know.

Welp. See you around.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Just so you know

-I like sitting on the floor. Especially in the library. Don't you judge me.
-Recently I've decided that I'm fond of the albino quality of my skin.
-Grilled cheese and tomato soup. Every. Sunday.
-Two of my roommates are moving out soon and I never ok'd that.
-My birthday is this month. I'm turning 20.
-I get cold really easily.
-I also hate coats.
-Similarly, flowers are one of my favorite things.
-Sadly, I'm more afraid of bees than most things.
-Some days I forget why I'm a history major.
-And then I remember.
-Secretly I'm hoping that Greg Laswell will call me to ask if I can sing in his show this week.
-I currently have my hair in braided pigtails.
-I'm debating whether to copy my roommate and buy these:
-My right foot is asleep.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

D&C 50

I should have known that itunes was the wrong place to look, you know?

Step 1 (v.5): Blessed are they who are faithful and endure, whether in life or in death, for they shall inherit eternal life.
Step 2 (v.6): But wo unto them that are deceivers and hypocrites, for, thus saith the Lord, I will bring them to judgement.
Step 3 (v.10): And now come...and let us reason together, that ye may understand.
Step 4 (v.40-42): Behold, ye are little children and ye cannot bear all things now; ye must grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth. Fear not, little children, for you are mine, and I have overcome the world, and you are of them that my Father hath given me, and none of them that my Father hath given me shall be lost.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Try to get some rest.

I keep searching through my itunes, trying to find some kind of explanation.

Some sort of reason. Some sort of logic.

Too many shadows, too many sails.

Nobody move, nobody move.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm really bad at playing spoons.

Oh, hey guys.
Has anyone ever considered how strange the word "pajamas" is? If I was learning English as a second language I would never stop laughing once I learned that that's the word we use to refer to the clothes we sleep in.

Seriously, English language creators. Bad move.