Monday, January 31, 2011

Gentlemen, there is something you need to know.

To those of you who could be considered remotely attractive, I am embarrassed to admit that there are women among my sex that lose all capability of rational thought when they are as fortunate as to come in contact with you. (If you would be considered unattractive, breathe easy, my friend. This is not directed at you.) These flushing females have been known to suddenly take a turn for the worse in a specific class, embarrass themselves with an obnoxiously new-found laugh, scorn other ladies around them at the hand of jealous anxiety, and/or strive to appear more intellectual than is actually the case. It is a sad existence, this enamored state-of-being. Don't let yourselves be deceived!

Just tell her to cut it out so she stops distracting everyone in class, ok?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Goals for the next whenever (preferably life)

-Go to bed on time.
-Get all homework done by Saturday night.
-Be better about monitoring money, and save for San Diego trip.
-Get completely ready in the morning rather than being a bum. Days go better.
-Less procrastination.
-Even less computer time, which is procrastination's accomplice.
-Go to the international cinema more.
-Take each day as it comes.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lovely people

Jain: Natalie, you should join the Navy.
Me: ....what?
Jain: Why not?
Me: Why would I?
Jain: Because then you would get a cool pen!

Thanks, Jainy. Always lookin out for me.

Just to catch up

This week, Austin and I made spinach quiche

...and tried ginger beer for the first time. (Thanks Bree)

Oh hey yeah you bet it was good.

I was surprised at how easy and fairly cheap quiche is to make! And really filling. We've got the other half of the pie for leftovers tomorrow night. My wallet is happy.

Also! We went to see the greatest winter display of all time! Seriously.

This guy has created these huge castles out of icicles and people can pay to walk through them. We went with Katie and Skylar and it was really great. Sometimes I find that I can actually handle this winter thing.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The F-word

For women in my generation, calling yourself a "feminist" can be tricky territory, depending on whom you're talking to and the connotations that sometimes tag along accordingly.

I like this definition.
"In a nutshell, it goes like this: View men and women as equals; see your gender as neither an obstacle to success nor an excuse for failure; laugh at yourself occasionally; get out of bed in the morning; don't forget to vote." -Meghan Daum

By this explanation, ladies and gentleman, I am a feminist.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Every once in a while I have a day where I don't do much to increase the worth of my life. I'm sick, slinking around my house in an oversized Carolina shirt and no makeup.

Oh hai, world. I'll just see you tomorrow, okay?

The head and the heart

One more for the stars and the eyes of the walls.
I saw your face.
I saw you callin out.
I saw your face in the crowd.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


This semester, I'm studying jazz. I'm eating pizza with barbeque sauce and goat cheese. I'm reading books about the ancient Greeks and trying my best to keep warm and avoid Provo's seas of ice and snow.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Health musings

Just a perspective.

I'm all for campaigning for a new look at body image. Coming to understand self-worth as more than appearance or empty awards.


I'm not okay with excuses for avoiding self-improvement. It's a new year, right? I think we should ALL make the resolution to be healthier, and thus happier, people. I know moderation is a hard thing to come by, but somehow we've all got to find a balance. Be proud of yourself, but also realize that becoming better and eliminating damaging habits or characteristics is absolutely crucial.
Sometimes I find myself sounding like a Scrooge. People are hard.