Monday, January 28, 2013

How far's that plane?

So...I just got my travel plans! Weird. Not sure what to think about that, so that's all I'm saying for now! Haha. I will get to the Greensboro airport at 12:12pm. That must be some sort of lucky omen. Right?

We have really been trying to focus our efforts on a few families who have fallen into addiction, namely smoking. I've really come to appreciate the struggles that people go through so much more, especially addiction. As I've seen in my limited experience, every addiction is primarily emotional. I've loved becoming a tool to help people overcome physical addictions through spiritual means. I'm grateful that my understanding has grown to where I'll be able to help people in the future after I'm a missionary, as well. I can take it with me! I'm also grateful that I never got into smoking, drinking or drugs in any way. It's just not something I ever want to worry about kicking. I like my freedom, thank you.
I've really loved working with Sister Szuch! She has been so patient with me and my crazy self. She's seriously just so good that sometimes I forget she's new and have to remember to explain things instead of just rolling. Luckily she is quick AND patient. You should never wish for me to be your trainer :) She is extremely innovative and happy to be here, so we have been trying to contact as many people in the ward as possible- especially those who are members but who haven't been coming in a long time. One of my favorite things to do is to ask if there is anyone they know of who is going through a hard time in any way and could use a visit or an uplifting message or some service done. We've had the chance to meet people going through some of the hardest times of their lives- right after losing a baby, right after a husband was taken away to jail, etc. Most often these people aren't interested in hearing more about Jesus Christ, but they have accepted having two new friends! I am good at being friends with people I've found, so it's been fun for me, too. My goal is to know everyone in this little village of Waterloo by the time I leave in May!

Ok well that's pretty much it for this week. I hope everyone is well! I am happy and working hard. No worries here. Just take care of yourselves, please!
Sister Raines.

Monday, January 21, 2013


Huge theme this week:
Think big!

How cliched that is :) But let me explain. So much happened this week that has helped me to expand the way I think, but as most learning, it seems I'm fairly helpless to explain it efficiently. I will try.

Most of this lesson started with a scripture in 1 Nephi 11. Nephi is asked, "What desirest thou?" Such a curious question! The entire concept of prayer operates on that question. God knows our hearts, so clearly He is aware of what we need and want. Then why does He ask that we talk to Him? Why ask? Well, He needs us to think bigger than we do. I realized that in all that I do and ask for, I should really ask myself, "What are you really asking for here? What do you really want?" Do my desires stem from selfish motives or do I trust God enough to want whatever He wants for me? With that, something else clicked in my head this week. Where is the ceiling of my potential, and who built it? We live with Sisters Adams and Earl. Sister Adams was a dance teacher in Arizona before her mission. This week she told me about her decision when she was younger to get good at dance. She put aside other sports and dedicated herself to learning and practicing. Eventually she became what she wanted to become. My whole life, I have tried little bits of everything, assuming that if I was to be proficient at it that it would just come once I tapped in. The only time that wasn't so was with Spanish. In high school when I was told I would never been good at Spanish, I still felt a drive to continue to learn. In college I enrolled in classes and eventually thought, "Why shouldn't I be fluent in Spanish? Other people learn. Why not me?" That same concept applies across the board! Most of my life I've been content with what I felt has been allotted to me. I still think it's important to be happy in every circumstance, but whose to say I can't be a long distance runner or play the cello simply because no one told me to when I was 7? I have a lot of life left to live, and a lot of opportunity. Historically, talent is not only afforded to those with money. Learn something, do something, make something of yourself. I don't intend on being the best at anything, but why shouldn't I learn to be great at things?

Ok so that's all a lot of talk, right? Talk is meaningless without action, just like "faith without works is dead." (James 2:20) Therefore, goals for 2013:
-Learn to be good at budgeting. As in, make it a strength. Requirements: asking advice, self control, reading books from those who know more than me :)
-Becoming flexible. Starting with...being able to touch my toes. I've always been embarrassed that I can't do that! Every morning I've started stretching to try and slowly inch towards being able to do it.
-Learn (more) music theory. My abilities in music theory are really pretty pathetic. Sister Brown started giving me some quick 5 minute lessons, and on pdays I've started spending time practicing hymns from the hymn book. One day I'm actually going to be able to read sheet music and play in church. You'll see!
-Be (more) fluent in Spanish. This one is going to need to wait for real progress until I'm home from my mission. I'd like to look into getting some Spanish podcasts and CDs to listen to while I get ready in the morning to boost my comprehension. Right now my opportunities to learn are seriously limited, but I'd like to make the most of them once I'm home. 

There is so much available to us in this age of information! Do you want to start learning Italian or how to play the guitar? 
Mastery requires two things:
1. Consistency
2. Intensity

Both of those begin with the vision to see past today.

In some ways these goals and ideas aren't that big. I haven't made a plan to move to Australia or become a body builder, but rather I'm just tired of dealing with what has already been given to me. This week I learned that God has so much more intended for me than I have made for myself. This life is our chance to learn and to grow and to BECOME! I don't want to waste any more time.

The last few weeks have clearly been intellectually stimulating for me (thank goodness- I was struggling in Brighton) and so for more thoughts, there is a blog post I wrote this week that you can feel free to read. It's on my mission blog. I post there from time to time and it is open to anyone. I've talked a little about the same subject before, but a few more things clicked into place this week. Enjoy :)

This week it is expected to stay down in the single digits, but I'll be safe! Don't worry. I'm grateful to be out here. I still have a work left to do!
Love love love
Sister Raines

Fort Kie- Our snow fort way back when before Elder Hole left

Bro Kie- Sister Hausauer and I with Brother Kie! He fed the missionaries every Friday night. Such a sweet man. He's the one that helped us with our family history! We were cooking and Elder Hole bestowed hats upon us that he didn't want to pack

Inner City Rochester District
Sister Szuch and I on her first day

Silva Family- LOVE THEM. I miss them so much already

Special treat for you all- Sister Adams! And Sister Earl is on the couch behind her. Ah my life. She would kill me if she knew I was sending this

The Peter Whitmer Farm! The snow melted last week cause there was a random stint of like 50 degrees. It was AWESOME.

Monday, January 14, 2013


A lot has happened!

Ok so first things first: New companion! Sister Szuch is from Boise, Idaho. She is one of NINE kids. Needless to say she is patient :) Also, she is a rockstar. By that I mean she really doesn't need training. She's been training me! Good thing too because we have too much to do for us to slow down too much. She catches on quick and is willing to work. It helps that she's intelligent haha we've had some refreshing discussions and she was an English major at BYU so we can relate on a lot of the same curriculum levels I couldn't ask for more in a companion! We live on the Peter Whitmer Farm with two Sisters that serve in Seneca Falls. The Peter Whitmer farm is where the church was organized in 1830. There is the Whitmer house, and then a visitors' center attached to the chapel, and then to the right of that is our house. 

There are pictures and some information on this site:

The Seneca Falls Sisters (Adams and Earl) have been SO fun to live with! I'm really grateful for them. There is also a senior couple that lives in the other side of our house, so we are well taken care of! Quite the adventure.

The first few days were full of trainings to get Sister Szuch used to missionary work and especially to working the historic sites, so we got to spend a lot of time with other 3 new sisters as well. They are great! And funny! Thank goodness. One in particular got up one meeting to introduce herself and she said. "what do you say up here? I'm a Mormon..." Hahaha. Perhaps you had to be there. Anyways! This week I've felt especially grateful to be serving around such wonderful people and to have the privilege of being a missionary. I don't have much time left! I really want to make the most of it. Leaving all of this will be difficult.

So as with every other time I've opened an area, the first few days can be a little confusing. I was a little worried about Sister Szuch because entering the mission field is crazy enough- especially when your trainer knows just as much about the area as you do! We've been trying to make the most of our time and we've already been able to meet a few people in the area and be involved in some good lessons. 

Last night we also had the opportunity to watch a broadcast of President Dieter F. Uchtdorf and honestly I think it's one of my favorites of all time. He talked about three things specifically:
1. What is truth?
2. Is it really possible to know the truth?
3. How should we react to contradiction?
President Uchtdorf defined truth as existing beyond belief. It exists even if no one else believes it. He said, "Absolute truth is not dependent on public opinion or popularity." We are encouraged to seek truth wherever it may be! Rather than looking for things that disagree, we should have our hearts open to learning from others and trying to find things that will enrich and improve our understanding of life. Just be aware of all of those partials truths. President Uchtdorf reminded us of those who were sure that the Earth was flat, or those that believe the moon is a hologram. I thought of those who don't believe the Holocaust ever happened. You can believe that north is actually south and south is actually north, but if you want to get to New York from North Carolina, the truth is that north is north. Here's the link to watch the devotional:

I would highly recommend that you all watch it. So good. Just skip ahead to when President Uchtdorf starts speaking.

That's probably all for now.  I hope you are all well. I welcome news as always :)
Sister Raines

Monday, January 7, 2013

Kirk!'m leaving! Somehow I feel I should have expected this. I can't seem to stay in an area for more than a few months. I'm being transferred to Waterloo- the very eastern border of the mission. I wasn't expecting to leave because I've been asked to train a new missionary. I figured Sister Hausauer would be leaving since she's been in Brighton for 8 months, but this will be good. I'll be living in a little house right next to the Peter Whitmer Farm with the Seneca Falls sisters waaay out in the middle of nowhere. Thus, this email is likely to be a little scatterbrained. I'm not sure what to think. Here goes nothing!
 There's been a lot going on in my head, but not much elsewhere. I hope that this week will give me plenty to write about :) I'll come prepared with some kind of incredible speech. You will see! Until then, please pray that I'll be able to do this haha! And pray for my new companion. Starting your mission is the scariest thing! It gets better with time.
I hope everyone has been enjoying the new year! It looks like 2013 is going to be a historic year in my life for more reasons than I ever planned.
A lot of love from Western New York,
Sister Raines