Thursday, October 22, 2015


It's been a little while since I've written anything here for a few reasons. The main one is that much of our daily life recently has been dealing with little struggles, and I'm not a big fan of putting my complaints out for all the world to see, especially since there is nothing majorly wrong. Oliver has been screaming and crying often, for what seems to us as no reason. He appears to be coming out of it now and I am learning little tricks to help him. I love seeing his happy smiling face! All the hard moments melt away.
Personally, I have not healed from labor! I guess my expectations were wrong, but I kept looking forward to the 6 week mark to stop feeling pain, etc., but my tear hasn't healed and my body still aches everywhere. I have definitely seen some improvement over the last 9 weeks, but I have no inclination as to when this pain will actually go away. Thankfully my carpel tunnel has cleared up at least!

This last part brings me to a decision I've made about future medical care:
I really never want to visit a doctor again.
Nothing personal to any doctor and nurse friends, but working with a midwife during the pregnancy has spoiled me! Midwives are focused on the holistic view of health since their goal is as few interventions as possible. Every appointment with my midwife was relaxed, and she always looked at the bigger picture of my life to catch possible future issues. For example, Krissy knew each enough that when things at my job at the high school took a turn towards Hell, we talked about it and it appeared in my medical file to explain a slight rise in blood pressure, even though my blood pressure was still healthy. I went to the local OBGYN since we moved, and the entire system is so different. I will be starting up with a different midwife next time I go, that's for sure!

Anyways enough whining from me- cheers for living and learning from your experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Honey, you're reliving my life 7 years ago. It DOES get better and easier but takes WAY more time than we want to give it! Please cut yourself some slack, focus on the good and remember you're an AMAZING woman and mother!! Love you!
