Wednesday, April 21, 2010


1. I took four finals yesterday and packed everything I own. I'd say it was a productive day.

2. Pop tarts are only good if they are toasted.

3. The religion tests are upstairs in the wilk. Please stop asking me.

4. I obtained a killer paper cut this morning and might bleed to death. Also, it's hard to type with a band-aid wrapped around the tip of my finger.

5. Graduation is tomorrow and I can't decide if I am jealous of the graduates or not. I don't think I am quite yet. I like it here and the real world is a little scary. Why do you think I'm going to be a teacher? I create my own world.

6. Crocs really aren't that comfortable.

7. I have my fingers crossed in hope that I don't sit next to someone on the plane tomorrow that tries to talk to me.

8. Hi, Dad

9. Definition of "cute": Smaller than average. Exceptions: midgets and bees

Proof of said fatal paper cut:


  1. i'm smaller than average. and am not a bee or midget.

    i changed my blog address! so exciting. i know.

  2. Therefore you are cute.

    Does this mean I can't read it anymore? Get off blogger at work, slacker.


  3. hey, what else am i supposed to do when you leave me? yes, you can read it, but the address is easier to remember:

  4. two things that made me laugh. #1 there was a poptart at the info desk and the first thing the person I was working with said was "eat that. natalie doesn't want it." #2 definition of cute. ha. I wish you were still here. please come back.

  5. 1) Were you working with Jain? Because if the message about the pop tart was being passed along throughout the day I am embarrassed. There is a trash can right there after all...
    2) I wish I could come back! It's weird being on the east coast again. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to live in Utah.
