Thursday, August 5, 2010


Who's the idiot who invented electricity and therefore created the option of waking up at 4 a.m.? My dear Crystal pointed out today that if we didn't have electricity we would just all go to sleep when the sun went down and wake up when the sun was up again. Why do we torture ourselves so?

*Note: I know who invented electricity. Don't you dare leave some smart comment about how beneficial electricity has been to mankind.


  1. Well Natalie, you see, electricity wasn't created, per se, but harnessed. And why would you want to outlaw that? I mean, think of the uses for humanity! I will now outline those uses:

  2. once upon a time I had to wake up at 2:45am on study abroad to go see stonehenge for the sunrise. the sun does not rise at stonehenge. i cursed electricity that morning. can't wait to see you.
