Thursday, December 30, 2010

San Fran

One day I hope to live in a small apartment in the heart of San Francisco or New York. I hope I have a gray cat and use the bus or the subway to get to the school where I teach history to fourteen-year-olds five out of seven days of the week. In the evenings I hope to watch documentaries and foreign films while I grade papers and sit by my husband. I hope to have a "usual" for chinese take-out. I hope I don't get caught up in the nonsense of things and that I can still find quiet and peace while appreciating the chaos of many people living vastly different lives in one small place. I don't expect to be famous or universally acclaimed, rather I just hope those who know me describe me as "a good person". It doesn't sound like much, but it seems wonderful to me.


  1. Everything is wonderful about this post except your picture. Pro Coke.
    And that sounds so much like you! I hope it comes true.

  2. That sounds awesome. I can see you rocking that life! :)

  3. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. you be painting one gorgeous image.
