Me: Riley, what does a cow say?
Riley: Mooo! Mooo!
Me: What does a goat say?
Riley: Goat! goat! goat!
Me: What does a mommy say?
Riley: No, no Riley!
Me: What does a rabbit say?
Riley: Pop pop pop pop
Who knew?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
And the world spins madly on
I am sitting on my bed doing sudoku puzzles and listening to The Weepies. Did you know that life is good? Because it is.
Remember how I said that my brother is really cool? We figured out where he gets it from.

There's a boy across the river but alas, I cannot swim.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
You think too much.
Being home so far has been a month of refiner's fire for me. This is unexpected, since during winter semester (as some of you know) I took 17 credits, worked 20 hours a week, lost my best friend and roommate to her fiance, lost my last grandparent on my Dad's side after a long fight with dementia, and discovered that the car I had planned on taking back with me to Utah had been totaled back here in NC. During fall semester I ended things with a boy who I was almost engaged to. What I hadn't realized is that I've been running for months. I told myself that I was too busy to think about things; to work them out. I suppose I ran under the policy that if you just ignore pain that it goes away.
Needless to say, being home provides little escape from my thoughts. And now, finally, they're starting to lose their sting.
Truths and Discoveries:
-Ending my relationship with Ian was the right thing to do. He treated me right, but God has something better planned for both of us if we are up for it. His falling away from the church was not my doing, and staying with him solely to keep him in the church would have been unfair to the both of us.
-I have curves. This is ok. In high school I went through sessions of anorexia and depression because I hadn't learned to cope with my body type. I am 5'6". I don't weigh 125. What's important is that I am healthy and I am happy.
-I can't do everything on my own. I was raised with an independent attitude, and I am extremely grateful for that. The problem came with not wanting to ask others for help when it is really needed. Life is meant to be lived in a collective, loving network. Not in solitary struggle.
-Death is as much a part of life as birth. At my grandmother's funeral I was overcome with the realization that I will one day lose my parents. I've thought about that fact before, but the reality hit me in the face much harder than I had been expecting. I've lost a few friends over the past few years, but I have never lost anyone really close to me. The idea that a human body can function enough to sustain life one minute and extinguish it so easily the next may always elude complete understanding. Looks like thats one of the aspects of the soul we've yet to learn.
I'm sorry to suddenly contrast my typically random and simple topics with such serious ones, but I guess things can't always be random and simple. Sometimes I have to stop running and face the music.
If you find your spirits somber, please refer to my last post and allow my younger brothers to cheer you up :) How I love them so.
Taken in South Jordan, Utah. I just love the sky.
Here comes the sun.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Eye Candy
You REALLY want to watch this. I know.
This is supposed to be the essence of childhood in under five minutes. Let me know if I succeeded or not. I can take honesty :) If you like it, please share it with someone you think might enjoy it.
Twins: Sean and Nathan Raines
Prop: Calvin Raines
Music credit: Sarah Jaffe, "Clementine"
When I was little I used to dance all the time.
Billy Idol, Basia, The Beatles, Paula Abdul, Natural Estates
I don't think that I was under the impression that I was a particularly excellent dancer, rather it's more probable that I never thought about it. As a kid I understood something better than I do now.
Dancing is for dancing.

Despite my admiration for professional performers, I refuse to surrender my claim to the titles of artist, musician or dancer. You perfect petit allegro while I do the twist and in the end I think we'll both end up alright.
Some of you reading this might be under the impression that since I would be considered an "amateur", any skills I possess are long due for some serious critiquing and therefore not worthy of anyone's time. Well, sir, to you I say "okay". Cause you're not really who I'm dancing for, are you?
Monday, May 17, 2010
Grey Vans
Awhile back when I had my judging shoes run, I posted a tiny post that simply said "I judge boys by the shoes they wear." My friend, Mack, just sent me a comic that fits the situation perfectly, and I figured I'd share.

Friday, May 14, 2010
But...that's not what she said.
Current favorite baby names: Lyla, Lydia, Faye, Jane, Connor, Jack & Hayden
Recently discovered pet peeves: Bad spelling, insurance companies
Recently discovered interests: Spanish cook books, tea tree, ceiling fans
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Truth Surfaces
There's something that the world needs to know.
My brother is really cool.
Also, I am growing a mustache.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Ok so at the info desk we have the privilege of posting info about the events in the wilk every week. However, during finals week there were no real events... so we improvised.

Sadly, someone didn't appreciate it and it was taken down and replaced with "Good luck on exams Smile".
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you.... sabotage
I love my job.
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